| Relation Management & Digital Organisation

Arriving in Hamburg

Relation Management & Digital Organisation

Arriving in Hamburg

Finding a place to stay in Hamburg

After your registry, the network tries to help you find temporary and free accommodation only.
See a list of documents you will need in order to apply for a flat in Hamburg, a SHUFA form to print out, tables to document contacts and appointments and more.
Online portal.

Templates and supporting documents for housing application

Anschreiben Супровідний лист
Lebenslauf біографічна довідка

Note: DESY letter of support is available upon request.

Contact: ukrainesupport@desy.de

Flat furnishings

Flat furnishings
Example of a document in German that can also be handed in at the Job Centre in Hamburg. There is no official application form in Hamburg.

Support with formalities

Hamburg jobcenter informs and supports you with financial benefits to ensure your livelihood and provide advice and help in finding a job or a training place.
If you receive Unemployment Benefit II from the Jobcenter, the costs of your accommodation will be taken into account when calculating your financial support if they are reasonable.If you receive benefits from the Jobcenter and would like to move, it is essential that you contact the responsible Jobcenter staff before you sign a contract. Before you sign a tenancy agreement/subtenancy agreement, you should have the Jobcenter team.arbeit.hamburg confirm that they will take over the monthly rent. You can find more information on the website of the City of Hamburg.

Important: For the smooth processing of your requests, it is absolutely necessary that you inform us of your current residential address or place of residence in Hamburg. In case of changes, it is necessary that you inform us immediately. Which Jobcenter team.arbeit.hamburg location is responsible for you depends on where you live in Hamburg.


Instructions for jobcenter formalities (prepared by Nordherz Hamburg)


Icon ALG II (UA) (738KB)
Ausfuellhinweise Arbeitslosengeld II (UA)
Icon ALG II (RU) (398KB)
Ausfuellhinweise Arbeitslosengeld II (RU)

Norddeutscher Hilfsstab for Ukraine

Icon Call Center (6.1 MB)

Public transport in Hamburg: HVV

Social department store "BaNotke"

Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays 10:00 – 17:30
Notkestraße 7, 22607 Hamburg
Tel. 040 - 60 79 57 65

BaNotke Info Flyer