| Relation Management & Digital Organisation

Art Meets Science

Art and culture projects at DESY

Relation Management & Digital Organisation

Art and culture projects at DESY



Stakeholder communication | Hamburg Art & Culture



We would also like to organise large and small art, theatre, literature and music events at DESY in Hamburg and Zeuthen in the future. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please contact us.

Art meets science at DESY

DESY not only breaks new ground with its research, but is also interested in interdisciplinary exchange and is therefore committed, within the scope of its possibilities, to the dialogue between art and science.



  • Zeuthen: Art in the Lab | DESY in Zeuthen makes its reading room available as an exhibition space for art. With "KUNST IM LABOR" (Art in the Laboratory), a public exhibition series with changing visual artists started in 2018. Art in the laboratory "Windows to the Universe" The exhibition invites you to exciting astronomical views with fascinating pictures. (Telephone booking required)



Contemporary art at DESY

The 10x10 metre installation AIS³ made of light and sound by artist Tim Otto Roth transformed the Kulturkirche St. Elisabeth in the centre of Berlin into a walk-in neutrino detector for several weeks in 2018. Many still remember the large art exhibition Dark Matter in autumn 2017 on the DESY site in Hamburg, where DESY employees from research and technology worked together with fifteen artists on the topic of dark matter. The result was an art exhibition that spanned the entire DESY site in Hamburg. If you walk through the foyer of Building 1, you can discover a small car in a narrow display case that served as a model for the artwork Frassek Space Collectors, but which is already part of an all-encompassing art project by Jan Köchermann. Not far away you find a four-part painting by the artist Tanja Hehmann. The "Art in the Lab" series has been taking place in Zeuthen on a regular basis since 2018. Here, the Zeuthen campus creates space for smaller solo exhibitions.




Head Of Communication and Networking | Zeuthen Art & Culture



Music at DESY

Music and physics go very well together. Both follow a logic and certain regularities. The Science and Music Festival, a concert series of classical music that has been held alternately in the DESY lecture theatre and the Laeitzhalle since 2012, is currently on hiatus. The concerts were initiated and organised by the former DESY physicist Brian Foster and the musician Jack Liebeck. The musical pieces were each accompanied by a scientific lecture. DESY has also discovered pop music. For example, the Hamburg hip hop band Deichkind filmed in the HERA tunnel and the AMTF hall in 2019 for their video "Richtig gutes Zeug" (really good stuff).